The 2024-2025 school year is off to a magical start! It was a pleasure to welcome back so many returning children, who have been wonderful leaders to the children who are joining us for the first time. The first three weeks of school have been filled with many adventures and very little rain. The children are anxious for the creeks to start flowing again, but have certainly busied themselves with other worthwhile activities.
The mud kitchen and digging pit are favorite destinations for the primary children. They use rainwater from our donated rain barrel to make their mud creations. These spots were especially attractive during the week of 95+ degree weather, as it's considerably cooler in the woods! The children showed resilience through the heat and took care of their bodies by drinking lots of water and taking rests throughout the day. We notice that appetites decrease (digestion creates heat) and high-energy play is replaced by activities with less movement during the very hot weather. We love that outdoor education helps children learn to listen to their bodies. It this photo, the children work together to "make silence" in the pine forest.

We are seeing an ever-growing variety of challenging academic work from both the primary and elementary children. It is beautiful to watch them explore letters and numbers while the sun warms their hair and the wind is on their back.

The elementary children enjoyed their first field trips of the school year. They hiked and swam at Deam Lake, classified animals during a trip to the Louisville Zoo, and picked grapes at Huber's Orchard and Winery, which they then processed to make homemade grape jelly.

The primary children are exploring letter sounds through a "letter of the week." Each week the chosen letter is featured in a song and poem. The children enjoy thinking of many different words that begin with the sound.

In our homeschool enrichment program, aka "Forest Club", the children were introduced to their new Wilderness Passports. These passports will guide them through 3-years of outdoor skills, plant and animal identification, first aid, and values that we hold dear at The Montessori Field School.
The Parent Association was also busy this month, as they created crafts for our upcoming booth at MountFest and kicked off preparations for our largest annual fundraiser: Brunch & Bids. We also enjoyed gathering together by the lake at Mount St. Francis and discussing Part 1 of The Anxious Generation.

Upcoming Events
9/20 - Autumn Equinox Family Gathering
9/21 - MountFest
10/7-10/11 - October Break (school closed)
10/14 - Family/Teacher Conferences (school closed)