Spring really is in the air! As the flowers bloomed, we took advantage of their gifts and gathered dandelions, violets, and purple dead nettle to be used for medicinal salve. After they dried for a couple of days the children sorted them into mason jars and covered them in olive oil. Next week we'll process the infused oil and add beeswax and shea butter. If you have small glass jars at home (4 oz or smaller, such as baby food jars or Oui yogurt jars) please send them our way! We are excited for every child to be able to take home some salve to share with their family.

Forest Club also tried their luck searching for morel mushrooms on the path around the lake. While we recognized lots of signs that they may be popping up, we haven't found one yet. We hope our luck turns next week with the warming temperatures. We did happen upon another neat find...bear corn (or the American cancer-root)! Apparently this edible plant is a laxative and black bears use it to self-medicate when constipated. Who knew!

Wednesday we had some high winds and spent our morning in the fields flying kites. Luckily the strong storms didn't hit until after school that day.

The classroom was very popular this week, with multiple children feeling drawn to one of our most challenging works, the "hundred board." It takes a great deal of stamina to recognize, find, name, and place all of the number tiles up to 100! We also put some flowers and leaves in our press and started making some leaf booklets.

Things to Look Forward To
The forecast next week is almost too good to be true! Even though we'll be enjoying some sunny 70 degree days, the mornings may still be quite chilly. Be sure to dress for 8:30 a.m. temps, not afternoon temps! We'll shed layers throughout the morning as needed.
We're setting up our grow tower again next week and will be planting cherry tomatoes, strawberries, and more.
Ways to Get Involved
Send in small glass jars (4oz or smaller, such as baby food or Oui yogurt)
We always welcome volunteers to start the morning fire (although we may not need them much longer!), sweep the shelter house, or move firewood under cover.
Enjoy this beautiful Easter weekend and see you on Monday! Heather & Kris
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