Quote of the week: "My face is muddy! I'll use a leaf as a wipe!" That pretty much sums up where we are at the end of week 13! The children are more comfortable than ever in the great outdoors. They are growing in independence with layering/unlayering to regulate temperature, taking their shoes on and off, and opening/closing their snacks. They know what we need to start a campfire, can collaborate to get the mud kitchen "clean," and the use gathering points to stop and wait for the group when we go for a hike. They practice grace and courtesy when we have guests and when we come across hikers on the trail. It is clear that their independence and resilience are growing each passing day; it's a joy to witness!
Salt dough was also a big hit this week! We are keeping their sculptures while they complete the drying process.

What may have been our last "warm" week for quite awhile was filled with adventure! The older children enjoyed guest presenter Del Striegel, who shared his expertise in birding and tomahawk throwing. We have spotted so many species at our bird feeder (tufted titmouse, carolina chickadee, red bellied woodpecker, dark-eyed junco) and in the pine forest (frequented by the loud and impressive jays and pileated woodpeckers). We learned about how some birds fly south for the winter (migrate) and others stay here and adjust their diet in the winter months. Thank you for the bird seed donations to help our feathered friends through the coldest months.

Several new Montessori works were introduced over the past couple of weeks. The children are really drawn to chalk work and the metal insets; both of which are major preparers for beautiful handwriting. They are also showing great curiosity around the golden beads, which show place value up to the thousands and allow even very young children to do very big math!
Children who attended on Friday loved the mild-temps and rain. Definitely the muddiest day so far this school year! What a blast!

Things to Look Forward To
With the season of gratitude upon us, next week we are reading the classic children's book Stone Soup and making our own "stone soup" (aka vegetable soup...). Be on the lookout for a direct message from us through Band with what your child should contribute to this community cooking project.
Our next camp week is November 21-23 when we will be welcoming some new friends and activities for a few days. All programs closed November 24-25 for Thanksgiving.
Winter Solstice family gathering is December 21st.
The sandhill cranes will be passing over within the next week or two en route to their winter destination! Keep your eyes to the skies and listen carefully for their distinctive call!
Jana Davis is finishing up the editing process for our professional photos. We are so excited to receive them and pass them along to you.

Ways to Get Involved
We've been loving all of the apple cider donations! We had a hot water kettle donated as well (thank you!) and are now excited to have some hot tea in the cold weather next week. Any caffeine-free tea bags appreciated.
Our bird feeder empties very quickly. Bird seed donations appreciated.
Morning families are invited to come early and help us start our campfire.
Big drop in temperatures next week! Please pack rain gear and extra layers daily. Even if your child resists putting them on initially, they're quick to change their minds when they start getting cold. Warm hats, mittens, and socks (plus extras) will be very important next week.
Heather & Kris